jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

The Saint and New Argentina: Newsletter of Pedro Segundo

The Saint and New Argentina: Newsletter of Pedro Segundo: To Liliana Delia Reyes To my brothers of the Holy Spirit Apostles´ College To all the Argentine people and all peoples of the w...

Newsletter of Pedro Segundo

To Liliana Delia Reyes

To my brothers of the Holy Spirit Apostles´ College
To all the Argentine people
and all peoples of the world

With much Love, pain and great sorrow, I inform my decision and sentence, declaring dissolved the Consecration of our union with Liliana Reyes ceremony held in September 23, 2007.
Seven years ago we began the development of the doctrine based on the core of the Policy of the Kingdom of Heaven with the formation of this couple, and so now we find the ex-communication of Liliana apostate because in fact, by their own choice: the abandonment of common-unity is ex-communication and apostasy, ie, the opposite to conversion. It is the animosity-aversion of those who had believed in God and now have stopped believing Him.
We regret that we have to live this moment so grave. A moment that it was not necessary to pass.
But God´s freedom _the Father_ is for everyone, and Liliana has used it. After crossing a desert of pain as unfaithful wife that she fulfilled in order to her purification. A wilderness of indecision that several more of us will endure. But neither rush to rejoice those unbelievers and anti-theos, nor fold down and discourage those who still persevere, because this, my unilateral decision, is liberation for Liliana.
As part of the apparent contradiction between the Consecration and the institute of marriage, on the past Easter we decided to leave all Consecrations no effect. In this way I dropped her; better I have left her in her true freedom to decide how life continues to regain her personal being and her original dignity of woman. Because we all need  that Core of Heaven´s  Political Kingdom, that is, the male and female couple, should get out from inside the heart of each one; not to arrive from the outside.
This is the core of Joaquín arrival´s moment because precisely now, visible situation denies this event more than ever. It is the historic moment in which happens what Scripture describes when it says ...and because iniquity shall abound, the love of many will grow cold. (Matthew 24: 9-14)
But... Joaquin will not be born from another belly than Mary Amitiel Lillian’s one!
She knows this... will give birth to the Messiah Joaquin, with pain or without pain: this is what she has to decide or to choose.
Because if she says Yes, Joaquin comes in the increased commitment ever imagined by any mind, that of a heart destroyed and annihilated again and again, so it carries the highest dignity, being flesh of the flesh of God himself in his heir Joaquin Jesus, The Christ Eternal. And if she says No, also Joaquin comes.
Because this is the most unpunished rejection to This Server´s Grace like no one has dared, whose only cure and healing is the birth of Joaquin.
Liliana is at the beginning of a disease, a syndrome which we have tested in the past decade. A syndrome that many brothers and sisters have had when for cause of acedia they stop believing, extending even to actively oppose this act of Redemption in fact, losing in his conduct everyday humanity minimum characteristics, adhering with contempt unfounded lies and cowardice, and basically betraying and betraying themselves with pride and arrogance that alters them.
She has fallen to this point, but allows yourself you to know what she herself ignores in this time of mental blindness: she is a brave woman. By love, she has endured an inhuman tribulation as never any woman has ever lived, and least in this part of the story of the world. With little faith and without understanding, she has accepted for more than four years and three months, the public announcement of the exclusive pregnancy of Joaquin Jesus!
What she received from this dead world is of the closest: family and friends, friends and co-mates, and the social rest, was constant martyrdom of indifference, hatred and indifference, derision and ridicule.
In this greatness, I myself want to grasp her despised part, want to give my unconditionally love to her for all she needs, the love that I owe to the scorned wife, because the wife is the image of the Church of Jesus, either the unfaithful or the scorned wife: a majority of women.
Lili, my soul apologizes knees because I didn´t know how to love you more and more, while I wanted to give you strength and making lighter your holy sacrifice. It is simple; we are only sinners’ saints.
I am aware that I have completely given all for her and her love. My life was stolen from me because of Christ and this, His summit work, and although I suffer such contempt as male, God has left in my heart Love enough to love you and seek you. Now I give you my life, my life, my life I give you with this decision.
The sacrifice of the Apostles in Rome, willing to live the best kept secret in our hearts, that is, to give their lives for their Friend and all the peoples, all the children of god, is my personal promise to God in exchange for being able to love fully Lili: offering my physical death, being close to her die in his arms. I will be murdered in the city of Rome! But also make know that I have decided before to give my life for the woman devastated by her union with Satan.
Today´s frail and sick mentality cannot accept that simple and common people can be saints-doers of the Divine Will. In particular men who so far played in the daily life of the sufferings of the people, sharing their sorrows and pains. Each one of the Apostles and I, Pedro Segundo, suffer for cause of a woman as any one does for his love, and even thus is willing to wait the immeasurable promises that God made us.
Spend that without the Resurrection, the entire Judeo-Christian faith would not make sense! In these end times, all is death and Resurrection! Everything that happens in the world walks to the extinction of humanity or to his Resurrection, as it is written on March 25, 2011 at the Apostolic Faith Letter "Death and Resurrection". On this basis we support all of the above, but we know that the proposed death and resurrection, any self or ego, a fake self and imposter neither can nor  want to know, nor understand, to the extent that it is a distortion of the true self, the spirit-heart .
We face a terrible, appalling, dreadful and horrifying paradox! However, we cannot call ourselves Christians without accepting what the Savior proposed to all believers of all time with Nicodemus. What we want to save must first die suffering.
Moreover, if we want to be His disciples. He did first with the Passion: His death on the Santa Cruz and His glorious resurrection on the third day. There is no truly following of Jesus Christ without accepting to die for to Resurrect, even not necessarily by physical death, for a greater Love. Love which is only faith, not reasons, motives, feelings and even conveniences only.
Let us deeper contemplate the full reality of Liliana saint and sinful, with bowels of mercy. First when Lili was born and years later, when he joined us to make her blessed, it was necessary to inform her Joy of God Himself by uniting with Him.
This design was known in the world of spirits. The blessed spirits rejoiced and fallen spirits experienced diabolical envy, and said: Let's lose this creature so it will disobey and we will be sure that their Creator will not join a creature never disobedient and rebellious. And he did disobey and spoiled and the Lord said: "They have ruined the most beautiful of my children, but I will rebuild even more beautiful than before, to defeat and confuse..."
So the birth of Joaquin depends solely on the decision of God the Father.
Liliana Amitiel Eva broke the camel of unrighteousness, wickedness, and with it her tepid lineage, while the decision is in her hands, now more than ever. She believes that she can alone, offering God rites and cults that are worthless to meet their morale. Liliana, mother of peoples is a figure of the Church and has a bipolarity in their attitudes, which shows the constant battle against Satan and his allies. She cannot live anymore this division that makes her being half in heaven and half in the known hell.
Liliana have a strong pride, a bad family spirit that transforms into a panic to the truth-his truth. It is Satan´s pure fear of his own conversion; it is a vicious cycle of guilt and fear.
It is Satan´s wound damage on a girl who was raped-unprotected by those who had to take care of her, I mean especially the damn wicked Hector Raul Reyes, his only brother.
He is not an apostate, but the only member of the "Order María del Rosario de San Nicolas" that denounced, as servant of Satan in 2006, to Juan Domingo Rodriguez, the first prophet Mayor in this Work:
The suicide of Raul Reyes holds this damage in Liliana because he holds its own condemnation. He believes that he is already doomed and holds his own disease-perverse attachment to his sister Liliana.
So is the death of the body of Lili that clouds your eyes, and make her hope falls...
The Father has made us share his solitude, in a vacuum in the heart of the Apostles Conductors.
He has made us living that void that expands more and more, and only filled with the Father's Heart progressively with our wives, those who have them, with the deployment of the New Politics and loving more and more until the last man.
There is a congenital individual disability of women, which is an inability to love to the point in what the men of God -Christ men- need.
It is the inability to fill that void: and this is what Maria Liliana felt that failed me.
But no devastated woman can fill that gap.
Therefore, this work is Claim of Women, and this is the core of the sacrifice of the Apostles in Rome. The rebuild and strengthen a social network, need men forged in the Love of the Church as Bride. The architecture of the Kingdom of Heaven is based on the foundations of the devastation of women, because the work is to show your dignity. This is what reverses the fragility of the male.
There is an inevitable reality of seeing and appreciating, that is the original amalgam that is required of Eva Amitiel-Satan after Original sin, that Amitiel impregnates from Mary´s Wisdom to gestate Third Creation.
From here emerge all the needs of women and peoples to be filled and never underestimated. Because Satan all he can ever do, is to increase the vacuum in the heart. That is, increasing the need for God in the hearts of men: male or female.
Here is the root of accommodate and survive in the ruins of all women, adapting to the evil and hate, driven by a perverse taste to the bad and the ugly.
They come to love the bad and the ugly for cause of their ability to suffer and to love more, and so they conform to the injustice, chaos, and which combined with the increasing fragility of the man and his Not-driving and Non-decision, has generated maximum impotence and current disastrous state of humanity.
It is thus now a conservative force and resistance to the Coming of Joaquín, and therefore the conversion of Satan in the villages, and that still has not been repaired damage.
After the death and resurrection of Jesus this trend was conduced to end in the rejection of the primacy of male-Christ and to combat contradiction driving.
This dropped Liliana to refuse; just being she who was the one who discovered this for everyone, including myself, that who I really am from 2006.
It happens to us with the repeated falls and relapses in the inconsistencies of the flesh and the blood fall, is called uneasiness about the entire Work: A Joaquín, the Messiah!
He is the Hope, Power, Love, and anxiety, is all the opposite.
We fall into the frustration, discouragement and frustration, and restlessness, that is, suffers anxiety, worry, distress, anxiety, distress and sleeplessness. But...
The triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is now!
So I proclaim from the roofs and rooftops that I believe in Maria Liliana, in his Resurrection! She will give herself to this new Mary´s lineage in the yes largest in history, the last.
In those girls who persist in their vain pride of Co-creators, is the Immaculate Heart of Mary who destroys those little prides when Mary appears in the love of many women, in millions!
In women in love with Jesus I rest and I rejoice. Be blessed!
The others, men or women, shall only live this hell, those who want this for only their decision released.
Given at St. Nicholas of Mary on May 22, 2013