jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

The Saint and New Argentina: Newsletter of Pedro Segundo

The Saint and New Argentina: Newsletter of Pedro Segundo: To Liliana Delia Reyes To my brothers of the Holy Spirit Apostles´ College To all the Argentine people and all peoples of the w...

Newsletter of Pedro Segundo

To Liliana Delia Reyes

To my brothers of the Holy Spirit Apostles´ College
To all the Argentine people
and all peoples of the world

With much Love, pain and great sorrow, I inform my decision and sentence, declaring dissolved the Consecration of our union with Liliana Reyes ceremony held in September 23, 2007.
Seven years ago we began the development of the doctrine based on the core of the Policy of the Kingdom of Heaven with the formation of this couple, and so now we find the ex-communication of Liliana apostate because in fact, by their own choice: the abandonment of common-unity is ex-communication and apostasy, ie, the opposite to conversion. It is the animosity-aversion of those who had believed in God and now have stopped believing Him.
We regret that we have to live this moment so grave. A moment that it was not necessary to pass.
But God´s freedom _the Father_ is for everyone, and Liliana has used it. After crossing a desert of pain as unfaithful wife that she fulfilled in order to her purification. A wilderness of indecision that several more of us will endure. But neither rush to rejoice those unbelievers and anti-theos, nor fold down and discourage those who still persevere, because this, my unilateral decision, is liberation for Liliana.
As part of the apparent contradiction between the Consecration and the institute of marriage, on the past Easter we decided to leave all Consecrations no effect. In this way I dropped her; better I have left her in her true freedom to decide how life continues to regain her personal being and her original dignity of woman. Because we all need  that Core of Heaven´s  Political Kingdom, that is, the male and female couple, should get out from inside the heart of each one; not to arrive from the outside.
This is the core of Joaquín arrival´s moment because precisely now, visible situation denies this event more than ever. It is the historic moment in which happens what Scripture describes when it says ...and because iniquity shall abound, the love of many will grow cold. (Matthew 24: 9-14)
But... Joaquin will not be born from another belly than Mary Amitiel Lillian’s one!
She knows this... will give birth to the Messiah Joaquin, with pain or without pain: this is what she has to decide or to choose.
Because if she says Yes, Joaquin comes in the increased commitment ever imagined by any mind, that of a heart destroyed and annihilated again and again, so it carries the highest dignity, being flesh of the flesh of God himself in his heir Joaquin Jesus, The Christ Eternal. And if she says No, also Joaquin comes.
Because this is the most unpunished rejection to This Server´s Grace like no one has dared, whose only cure and healing is the birth of Joaquin.
Liliana is at the beginning of a disease, a syndrome which we have tested in the past decade. A syndrome that many brothers and sisters have had when for cause of acedia they stop believing, extending even to actively oppose this act of Redemption in fact, losing in his conduct everyday humanity minimum characteristics, adhering with contempt unfounded lies and cowardice, and basically betraying and betraying themselves with pride and arrogance that alters them.
She has fallen to this point, but allows yourself you to know what she herself ignores in this time of mental blindness: she is a brave woman. By love, she has endured an inhuman tribulation as never any woman has ever lived, and least in this part of the story of the world. With little faith and without understanding, she has accepted for more than four years and three months, the public announcement of the exclusive pregnancy of Joaquin Jesus!
What she received from this dead world is of the closest: family and friends, friends and co-mates, and the social rest, was constant martyrdom of indifference, hatred and indifference, derision and ridicule.
In this greatness, I myself want to grasp her despised part, want to give my unconditionally love to her for all she needs, the love that I owe to the scorned wife, because the wife is the image of the Church of Jesus, either the unfaithful or the scorned wife: a majority of women.
Lili, my soul apologizes knees because I didn´t know how to love you more and more, while I wanted to give you strength and making lighter your holy sacrifice. It is simple; we are only sinners’ saints.
I am aware that I have completely given all for her and her love. My life was stolen from me because of Christ and this, His summit work, and although I suffer such contempt as male, God has left in my heart Love enough to love you and seek you. Now I give you my life, my life, my life I give you with this decision.
The sacrifice of the Apostles in Rome, willing to live the best kept secret in our hearts, that is, to give their lives for their Friend and all the peoples, all the children of god, is my personal promise to God in exchange for being able to love fully Lili: offering my physical death, being close to her die in his arms. I will be murdered in the city of Rome! But also make know that I have decided before to give my life for the woman devastated by her union with Satan.
Today´s frail and sick mentality cannot accept that simple and common people can be saints-doers of the Divine Will. In particular men who so far played in the daily life of the sufferings of the people, sharing their sorrows and pains. Each one of the Apostles and I, Pedro Segundo, suffer for cause of a woman as any one does for his love, and even thus is willing to wait the immeasurable promises that God made us.
Spend that without the Resurrection, the entire Judeo-Christian faith would not make sense! In these end times, all is death and Resurrection! Everything that happens in the world walks to the extinction of humanity or to his Resurrection, as it is written on March 25, 2011 at the Apostolic Faith Letter "Death and Resurrection". On this basis we support all of the above, but we know that the proposed death and resurrection, any self or ego, a fake self and imposter neither can nor  want to know, nor understand, to the extent that it is a distortion of the true self, the spirit-heart .
We face a terrible, appalling, dreadful and horrifying paradox! However, we cannot call ourselves Christians without accepting what the Savior proposed to all believers of all time with Nicodemus. What we want to save must first die suffering.
Moreover, if we want to be His disciples. He did first with the Passion: His death on the Santa Cruz and His glorious resurrection on the third day. There is no truly following of Jesus Christ without accepting to die for to Resurrect, even not necessarily by physical death, for a greater Love. Love which is only faith, not reasons, motives, feelings and even conveniences only.
Let us deeper contemplate the full reality of Liliana saint and sinful, with bowels of mercy. First when Lili was born and years later, when he joined us to make her blessed, it was necessary to inform her Joy of God Himself by uniting with Him.
This design was known in the world of spirits. The blessed spirits rejoiced and fallen spirits experienced diabolical envy, and said: Let's lose this creature so it will disobey and we will be sure that their Creator will not join a creature never disobedient and rebellious. And he did disobey and spoiled and the Lord said: "They have ruined the most beautiful of my children, but I will rebuild even more beautiful than before, to defeat and confuse..."
So the birth of Joaquin depends solely on the decision of God the Father.
Liliana Amitiel Eva broke the camel of unrighteousness, wickedness, and with it her tepid lineage, while the decision is in her hands, now more than ever. She believes that she can alone, offering God rites and cults that are worthless to meet their morale. Liliana, mother of peoples is a figure of the Church and has a bipolarity in their attitudes, which shows the constant battle against Satan and his allies. She cannot live anymore this division that makes her being half in heaven and half in the known hell.
Liliana have a strong pride, a bad family spirit that transforms into a panic to the truth-his truth. It is Satan´s pure fear of his own conversion; it is a vicious cycle of guilt and fear.
It is Satan´s wound damage on a girl who was raped-unprotected by those who had to take care of her, I mean especially the damn wicked Hector Raul Reyes, his only brother.
He is not an apostate, but the only member of the "Order María del Rosario de San Nicolas" that denounced, as servant of Satan in 2006, to Juan Domingo Rodriguez, the first prophet Mayor in this Work:
The suicide of Raul Reyes holds this damage in Liliana because he holds its own condemnation. He believes that he is already doomed and holds his own disease-perverse attachment to his sister Liliana.
So is the death of the body of Lili that clouds your eyes, and make her hope falls...
The Father has made us share his solitude, in a vacuum in the heart of the Apostles Conductors.
He has made us living that void that expands more and more, and only filled with the Father's Heart progressively with our wives, those who have them, with the deployment of the New Politics and loving more and more until the last man.
There is a congenital individual disability of women, which is an inability to love to the point in what the men of God -Christ men- need.
It is the inability to fill that void: and this is what Maria Liliana felt that failed me.
But no devastated woman can fill that gap.
Therefore, this work is Claim of Women, and this is the core of the sacrifice of the Apostles in Rome. The rebuild and strengthen a social network, need men forged in the Love of the Church as Bride. The architecture of the Kingdom of Heaven is based on the foundations of the devastation of women, because the work is to show your dignity. This is what reverses the fragility of the male.
There is an inevitable reality of seeing and appreciating, that is the original amalgam that is required of Eva Amitiel-Satan after Original sin, that Amitiel impregnates from Mary´s Wisdom to gestate Third Creation.
From here emerge all the needs of women and peoples to be filled and never underestimated. Because Satan all he can ever do, is to increase the vacuum in the heart. That is, increasing the need for God in the hearts of men: male or female.
Here is the root of accommodate and survive in the ruins of all women, adapting to the evil and hate, driven by a perverse taste to the bad and the ugly.
They come to love the bad and the ugly for cause of their ability to suffer and to love more, and so they conform to the injustice, chaos, and which combined with the increasing fragility of the man and his Not-driving and Non-decision, has generated maximum impotence and current disastrous state of humanity.
It is thus now a conservative force and resistance to the Coming of Joaquín, and therefore the conversion of Satan in the villages, and that still has not been repaired damage.
After the death and resurrection of Jesus this trend was conduced to end in the rejection of the primacy of male-Christ and to combat contradiction driving.
This dropped Liliana to refuse; just being she who was the one who discovered this for everyone, including myself, that who I really am from 2006.
It happens to us with the repeated falls and relapses in the inconsistencies of the flesh and the blood fall, is called uneasiness about the entire Work: A Joaquín, the Messiah!
He is the Hope, Power, Love, and anxiety, is all the opposite.
We fall into the frustration, discouragement and frustration, and restlessness, that is, suffers anxiety, worry, distress, anxiety, distress and sleeplessness. But...
The triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is now!
So I proclaim from the roofs and rooftops that I believe in Maria Liliana, in his Resurrection! She will give herself to this new Mary´s lineage in the yes largest in history, the last.
In those girls who persist in their vain pride of Co-creators, is the Immaculate Heart of Mary who destroys those little prides when Mary appears in the love of many women, in millions!
In women in love with Jesus I rest and I rejoice. Be blessed!
The others, men or women, shall only live this hell, those who want this for only their decision released.
Given at St. Nicholas of Mary on May 22, 2013

lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

The Saint and New Argentina: PRAYER TO MARY

The Saint and New Argentina: PRAYER TO MARY: «My son, this is the prayer I want you to do upon waking and sleeping. You husbands and wives, pillars of My Kingdom, the Reign of Mary Am...


«My son, this is the prayer I want you to do upon waking and sleeping. You husbands and wives, pillars of My Kingdom, the Reign of Mary Amitiel in women:
Bless you Heavenly Mother, Our Queen.
We know Mom that you are present as never have been in the Holy and New Argentina. We know you're here right next to us this morning, this afternoon and tonight, because you are present in your daughters, our wives.
So we implore you, mammy, to assist us in our maturity, as men, as men of God, those that world and each of your children need to return to the Father's House.
Bless us, Our Lady of Justice, the Truth and the Love. »

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013


Rosario, Sede de la Libertad, La Nueva y Santa Argentina 12 de Marzo de 2013.

En el día de hoy comenzará el cónclave y se elegirá al Papa que sucederá a Benedicto XVI, eso lo sabemos todos…pero lo que muchos saben y se hacen los desentendidos y otros tantos prefieren ignorar es que esta dicho, de hace mucho ya, por diferentes profetas, principalmente en las profecías de San Malaquías, que Benedicto fue el último Papa, que de aquí en más quien lo suceda será el Papa negro, el antipapa, pero ¿preferimos hacer como los tres monitos?...no veo, no escucho y no hablo…
Hemos dicho en varias oportunidades que Benedicto es el último Papa fiel a Jesús y a María dentro de la estructura Vaticana y, sobre todo hemos anunciado que Pedro Segundo es el Papa de Jesús aquí en la tierra, el encargado de darle continuidad al Plan de Dios Padre que incluye la caída de las bestias anunciadas en el Apocalipsis, la Bestia del Mar y la Bestia de la tierra, que es la caída del Vaticano, de la curia romana, los cardenales y también la caída de la oligarquía narco-usurera con sede en Londres, para volver así a la fe sencilla de los primeros apóstoles que vuelven junto a Jesús.
Pero claro a nosotros no nos cree nadie, gracias a Dios, porque el Espíritu Santo los ha cegado y se les ha endurecido el corazón, no sea que crean y se salven. Gracias a Dios no estamos acreditados por la católica…así que no somos creíbles ¿vio?...Entonces ¿se supone que tampoco sucederán las profecías???...pura ingenuidad…poca seriedad sobre el tema…
Estoy asqueada de ver en las redes sociales y en los antimedios a los catolicuchos decir “recemos por el nuevo Papa”, como si San Malaquías se hubiese equivocado o no haya existido…más bien recen por ustedes, les diría Jesús…porque el Papa que viene es un antipapa un auténtico lobo disfrazado de cordero, uno que abiertamente transará con el príncipe de este mundo y será muy correcto en su apariencia, un falso demócrata que intentará abolir la autoridad Petrina que ya no los guiará a causa también de sus iniquidades y procederá llevando a la Iglesia Católica a su cisma profetizado… (http://secretosdelvaticano.blogspot.com.ar/2007/11/san-malaquas-y-el-ltimo-papa.html)
A nosotros nos pasa como a Jesús, el pasado se sobrepone al presente, como cuándo se preguntaban ¿acaso este no es el hijo del carpintero?...cómo se podrá creer que Argentina es tierra elegida que en ella esta Pedro Segundo y los Apóstoles de los últimos tiempos y lo que es más difícil de creer que somos nosotros…los que escribimos estos artículos, los que manifestamos la unidad fe-política-apostólica, hombres y mujeres comunes, santos-pecadores, miserables como cualquiera…casi imposible de creer…y sobre todo que nuestra misión es anunciar la Segunda Venida de Jesús en un bebé con su Nuevo Nombre Joaquín, hijo de la pareja Santa-pecadora por excelencia, la pareja de Pedro Segundo y María Liliana; imposible ¿no? Bueno sea como sea, tratarán de decir que el antipapa justamente es este Pedro que se autoproclama Papa de Jesús que (como ya nos han dicho) nosotros somos una secta y que somos herejes y quien sabe cuantas cosas más…pero acaso a Jesús no le paso igual?...todo por decir y sobre todo SER el Hijo de Dios…(http://es.noticias.yahoo.com/blogs/cuaderno-historias/seg%C3%BAn-la-profec%C3%ADa-san-malaqu%C3%ADas-el-pr%C3%B3ximo-papa-173417688.html)
Muchos profetas y profetizas han anunciado en la Argentina el tema del último Papa…Fabiana de Corrientes, Gladys Motta de San Nicolás, la profeta de “lo tres cerritos” en Salta; entre otros muchos que no son conocidos y mucho menos difundidos, por lo dicho anteriormente, también nuestro profeta mayor Juan Domingo Rodríguez, todos ellos y muchos más saben esto y saben de la existencia de Pedro Segundo y los Apóstoles pero no lo han podido o no han querido decirlo públicamente al menos, pero sí nos lo han confesado a nosotros en diferentes oportunidades de forma privada. Por algo Dios lo ha permitido así… 
Todo esto quiero decirlo y denunciarlo para que católicos y no católicos abramos los ojos a la realidad única verdad y seamos responsables y no ingenuos rezadores…
No pretendo convencer a nadie, pero si quiero avisar, advertir y quien quiera entender que entienda, por mi parte rezaré por la Iglesia de Jesús y sobre todo por mi padre y amigo Pedro Segundo.

Martha Eva, discípula de Jesús con Tadeo, Apóstol de Jesús y María con las querubinas Belén y Paz

jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013

The Saint and New Argentina: Open letter to David Cameron

The Saint and New Argentina: Open letter to David Cameron: Paraná, Entre Rios, Headquarters and Fort Providence - Holy and New Argentina, February 20, 2013   Prime Minister of the United King...

Open letter to David Cameron

Paraná, Entre Rios, Headquarters and Fort Providence - Holy and New Argentina, February 20, 2013

 Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and his wife, Samantha Sheffield:

David, commander of the English nation by the will of the Father, you are a disciple of Jesus and He loves you, like your wife is a disciple of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
That's why He guides you to take charge of England at this crucial moment in history, and not everyone gets on that horse at this point.
We are talking to you, the sickest one and therefore the chosen for the King Who did not come to seek out healthy, but the sick, the needy of His Love like he did with us, especially Argentines, in this body of conductors.
One Hope is born! In this land of darkness, the British Isles, shines a light ... is your wife Samantha Sheffield, who has been the voice of command in the visual field, due to the historical fragility of  English men and the active presence of the Blessed Virgin Mary, there where Satan settled himself . *
Because the completed devil plan is to ally the woman with him forever, he has constantly worked to hide, denigrate, submit and exploit the women. Same what he has done since the base, with the peoples of the world, south especially.
By Love, the plan of the All-Mighty Mary is the opposite: to turn to Satan forever! Claiming the woman, leaving her out of the prison that has been imposed to her Boosting her wonderful human been while transforming our fragility in true manhood of loving husbands, passionate drivers for the happiness of all peoples, of our children and hers .
But in the end, the Immaculate Heart of Mary triumphs and triumph! Always triumphs in every people and in every nation. In the defeats and triumphs of men, Mother always prevails!
Because the Mother always remains. She always leads His children, regardless if they are cradled or sick, prisoners or wrong. This is the little secret of his Merciful and Immaculate Heart!
And in this particular case, decisive for humanity, will your wife, Samantha. It is the Holy Spirit infiltrated with you, and this is not an opinion, it is a fact, both for you and for her.
This is the truth now put to light, that as every male fragile as, she breaks you inwardly because light makes your frailty, blows-full exacerbate your miseries, and demonstrates the presence of Mary in you, that cannot alone and it is She who rules the world forever defeating your pride.
You´re hidden your wife, David, because she is your most treasured possession, frankly, against England's coldness and the devil in you, she is the light that guides you, the heat source for your soul.
But also for the whole world. Do not repress her!
Samantha, you're the most beautiful person in the world, the quintessential beautiful, intelligent, but you feel that all this is caught up in you and it's true. Think it's a personal matter: you always felt ugly and others persons make you to know and note this, also for separation from your parents ... but it is a matter of history of peoples whom you both represent.
You are the owner of the gifts which Satan in his intrinsic evil, has distorted, making them, the women, suffer the male repression by cause of his weak stupidity and arrogance.
Don´t let to stay yourself buried, you and your beloved people, under the cold and anxieties domain that destroys everything, instead of building with Love as your heart wants.
Your Missionary activity is not confined to England but to the whole world, to all countries.
Do not reduce your gifts by the desire to control them. On the contrary, be carried away by the desire of love, of truth, of justice looking for the inalienable rights of all women.
To save the man, yes!, to save him, but not alone, but with him and in him. And only with Maria´s women from Argentina, especially with that you admire: Ana Cristina Fernández, with Maria Lillian’s guide, the wife of Peter the Second, Pope of Jesus, you could dump all your love in the world. And beside all women willing to give their lives for humanity and honor their husbands in the missionary task of the concreteness of Love!
Your preference for the poor, the immeasurable love for the needy, was deformed by the currents of Gramsci, whom you use to follow, preaches an Antietam culture, therefore, turns against them.
Is the momentum of your true self feminine looking for and wanting Love, Forgiveness, to forgive yourself and forgive the other!
With Mary Argentina returns to be watched by suspicious and envious of the north; fragile men who want to pose as super-men, and who lie to themselves to be what the tax bad duty makes them to be And they lie to others and everything is a string of lies ending in hatred of man against man and peoples against peoples. Herein lays the essence of evil spirits against the Mother of the Creator around you, dear brother, the proud spirit of Cain, the children of Mother dispersed in oligarchies.
They are so afraid of Mary that is tepidity on the English with their poor simulation of contempt for the simple and innocent joyful heart of every man and woman on this earth.
So David, the messengers of the reproach prove to seduce lying while yourself sink into the sadness of not having, or better: to reject the love of God and of Mary, the Woman. So English have a hard image and also care to show them as they really are; you also boast of being impassive, lest they may be the same as everyone.
In your innermost doubt, you falter and waver about your Masters, the Masons. Your deepest convictions about Masonic-British machinery stumble and stagger.
You know that his path ended up here. It´s out! Game over! The beast who exercised the "policy power" in this land arrived to its end point... The other beast, which held the "religious power" only detracts continue on the path that God drew from eternity, and will end in the dust from which it came.
This is the conversion of Satan, their destruction, the fallen Archangel amalgamating their deeper most beautiful Archangel, Lucifer. Get ready to melt your miseries into a new person, leading them only with us, drivers, hawks of heaven and earth.
In Argentina is being born the Savior. He is Jesus with his New Name Joaquin! That's why you sent us the National Geographic, looking for the Messiah confirmed the certainty of his heart!
Historically you have lost the battles, have often taken the land, but never the hearts! You have managed to be despised by all; you have earned the title of history pirates. But this situation can be reversed. Cease to be God's monkey imitating their strategies and Goodness, for to be God Yourselves.
Here we hope, with open arms, holding out hands of General Peron resurrected! Next to the Blessed Virgin, to proclaim together ... Mother and Queen of all peoples of the world!
We need them because we will not let to miss the intelligence and beauty that all people need. As always we did, "winning or losing", we were together. It is the Divine Design! Only united we shall overcome! A big hug with the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

Mateo Luciano Uriel en Juana Rosario Idoriel, con Elías Iriel, Santiago Rafael y María Guadalupe
Agrupación Nacional La Madre
Facebook: Mateo Luciano Basiliquiotis

jueves, 31 de enero de 2013


City of Glory, Mendoza – The Saint and New Argentina – January 30 th 2013

People denominated as  "included" in the system of false democracies in the world, which we compared with the known Matrix movie in which a visual deception makes it appear that we are free and we chose, when in fact that freedom is false, is an illusion and really it is slavery without visible chains for  humanity. We have been colonized by force, the "right" of the beasts "dominant", not only by arms but also by language and culture, especially in the last centuries in world history.
This Matrix or "lie matrix" is organized as the system of the anti-Christ and has spiritually penetrated, that is culturally and psychologically, to all societies in order to exercise dominion with the intention to deform man into a kind of fragil and insecure, a man who despises itself and seeks to be pleasent, staying subservient.
An individual that feels fearful and idolatrous in front of "forces and powers" that surround it, fearing other men and  looking to be isolated and interact as little as possible with others.
The colonized cultural man is a poor man who needs of finding oneself, God in him. Because in their thirst-need to love and be loved resorted to what others say about him as a possible source of Being
So he denies what he IS, a dignity whom the Creator breathed when giving  life to him. He curses his first truth, imprisoned or subjected to the whim of the winds of the world. After, he grows or "he mounts himself" in a chain without senses starting from this first negation.
So is steeped in bad habits or unclean spirits, and if he does not look for the side of Grace, is likely to be a perpetual colonized; increasingly enslaved, an useful idiot that anyone can handle
Then he adopts "the ways of this master" at the same time he admires him in the strength attributed, with resentment or hatred, when the imposition is less subtle or ruthless, as in the subjugation of peoples. Or on a personal level when he accepts that one or another tell him what to do and how he must  live.
This is the ABC of the master-slave relation!
Why this occurs in men and women? Why this enters their interior domain?
This is because of male renunciation to guide women. Being alone, he believes that he can take care of creation and thus separated from God, from himself, because man and woman are one unit, one spirit in two bodies. The Immaculate Heart of Mary in the woman, is male virility, the "balls" of the man, who gives him the strength to fight for freedom and makes him a king compared to everything around it.
Because of this claim to power alone, the man breaks the unit and is weak against any oppressor because he loses the resistance of his being. Separated from woman he loses his strength. Loses his being king of creation, conductor and sovereign of himself, becoming a slave.
In turn, she is alone, without the leading man, thus being exposed to the counter-culture or culture of death. Believing she can alone, without guide of the man, giving birth and forming new "light or gentle men", unable to fight for nothing more than their appetites.
This was the operation of the devil from the beginning, to separate the man from the woman, separating both themselves from God and turn them into slaves.
This separation of man and woman is an inside separation. Don´t believe the explication is for singles and divorced! Has nothing to do with an external form but is the rupture of being King of Creation, to make slaves.
Man  becomes  in "middle man, non-conductive, vulnerable by not-decide and so, he is sinning of omission. Instead, the feminine genius is the Virgin Mary who lives in every woman, holding life because even in this state of fragility, They have held and hold this humanity!
But to all of us  suffering from colonized diseases,  we say there a cure! There is healing! When still I am a fragile man, full of my own misery and thanks to them, I accept them and I love them, only by the mercy of God, I can become a deliverer of my brothers and peoples.
The cuestion is to die to these bad habits to make way for the cultivation of good manners, the true culture of life. This cult of life, good manners, whether is Yes or Yes to Death and Resurrection! And God has given us this New Politics popular, simple, practicable, all made of execution. With which, welcoming the Love-pain in the delivery of bad habits, we die and rise freeing to liberate our brothers from oppression. This is for everyone! We invite you to experience it now!
In this consciousness of colonized, what is supposed and accepted as rational and enlightened, it is also supposed to be a British conception.
Is "you without her," the woman rejection, made allegedly political system and so it is the anti-Christ system. By contrast, our Latin American culture on faith and struggle, supported by Mary and Her cult, which was present from Guadalupe in Mexico to Maria del Rosario St. Nicholas and Our Lady of Justice, Truth and Love, in thousands of demonstrations for all towns and cities, guiding the men to forge Policy Communities, the Unity of people doing the continent of Hope.
Let's see how all this plays in the political-social-economics topics where political activists, leaders think they have to be lining of British Europeans to "arrive to".
I do not want us to be as they are now, the countries of the "first world". With tender mercy we can see that they are really very bad, deep in the well of his sterility. The truth is that actually they are the most slaves by cause of their exercise of the oppression, by rejecting the woman, Mary.
They are slaves themselves, auto separated them from God, and often their resentment at this, has led them to subdue, preying the others whom they want to impose, steal or discard. The anti-communication media are striving to disguise this reality of the European Union. They are showing only some facts, and because they have no choice.

The colonized middle classes, from which most of leaders proceed, are “kapos” for their people in this concentration camp that this false democracy represents. But there are also those with a firm decision on his soul and are giving a tremendous spiritual battle. If they take the weapons we are offering them, they can be liberation leaders for their people. When hatred gives way to forgiveness in Love, if you leave the domination-slavery can convert the colonizer who is stuck, attached to the same situation.
Because there is a vacuum in the human heart that no one can fill that void can only be filled with the Heart of God the Father, is God in ourselves! We are God!
Although British geopolitics, believing to be powerful, thinking they have put the leaders, although leaders themselves create, The Conductor is God who has chosen the place and mission to develop. As has happened in recent centuries, you have to know that everything happens according to His plans, combined with your own freedom, always on the way back to his house. Thus, disqualified drivers and still colonized like now, Father from eternity God has chosen to do His Will. Therefore, the decision is the soul of each one, and  not the NON decision of the NON polític, which provides the ability to serve the freedom of all peoples of the world by the hand of the Queen Mother Mary, Mother of all, also their rebellious children!
You Brits can turn around and surrender to Your Loving Mother. You can also become the Love. We wait with our Policy Unit at the feet of Christ the King and Queen Mother Mary!

Simon Juan Zoia with Isabel Maru-Association The Mother.
From Saint and New Argentina with all America

domingo, 27 de enero de 2013


Neuquén, capital of Hope- Saint and New Argentina, January 26, 2013
Joaquin comes now! And His birth is this outpouring of the Holy Spirit as it has never happened. An outpouring deeper and necessary against the largest spiritual, material, social and political crisis that no one generation has ever known in the history of creation.
It is through the presence of Maria Liliana, Her new mother, with Peter Second Pope of Jesus, saints, sinners emperors. Pedro, the new conductor of the Argentine people and his cabinet, the young apostles-prophets, the service companions and mission in the establishment of the Kingdom of Jesus and Mary´s government worldwide.
We only have Joaquin! He is the only shield against this evil storm.
The signs of the times, the Abomination of desolation that brought humanity to Universal Apostasy in the last millennium, in the continuous deployment of British geopolitics!
So His arrival gives meaning, direction and goal to the entire global geopolitical situation, the collapse of the anti-Christ, the non- political.
The false democracy, in tandem with the exhibition of the Truth about London-England  hosting the world oligarchy, real Satan´s cadets who believe themselves masters of this globalization with the spurious plundering of the peoples of the world.
It's Love and Forgiveness as a flood across the globe that puts them under  light, to desist in this fight against God's people, so that they go out of hiding in the apparatus of modern states because ... listen up! Nobody but you and your lackeys agents, traitors to yours peoples, deserve Policy Divine Mercy! Therefore God, the true Father Merciful, provides a key Salvation and Redemption in the implementation of its Sacred Empire. It is the conversion of his defeated chief, the Devil himself, Archangel lost, because he is the prodigal son of God first, the favorite, because for him, especially Jesus, the King of Kings, has  given his life on the Cross.
Satan knows that Saint and New Argentina is the Crown of the Queen of the South, the basis of consolidation as the only American Continent of Hope, from which emerge the spiritual and material gifts to lead all people to the House of father.
And against this lash today seeking to perpetuate its model at the first summit-EU CELAC, which takes place in Chile, coincidentally the more traidor and oligarchy headquarters  in Latin America.
Summoning  entrepreneurs and leaders from over 60 countries to cynically suggest that the output of the crisis, they say, to a greater or lesser extent affect the two regions, poses a clear role for the private business sector as an actor guarantor of efficient and inclusive growth. But please! Do you think we are fools? Now it results that this burned European disunity is "the example"?, And obviously, the rescuers are the same holdings of business men  that caused all the misery and injustice. Jaa, free stone for blondes and commoners, the World Sinárquical !
For indeed, the European Union is an invention of them British. They manage it from their eternal sidings, Germany and France. For this if this European Union disappears, it does not matter to Cameron & Co..
Were commissioned to accommodate finely strategy to separate themselves from Europe at any time, especially of their bitter and boring friend, Angela Merkel and her friends.
Their current move is to impose the pro-British organizations in this global system of regional blocs or "democratic style" to continue colonizing peoples all around the world, and especially here in America. In addition, the CELAC, which is more of the same, was concocted by them and launched through the brothers Castro and Hugo Chavez, British agents, so the Cubans remain as presidents pro tem. Only British and his soldiers can locate there.
They want to keep dipping Latin America in the eternal contradiction capitalism-socialism or communism extinct, handling "national and popular movements" with its agents across the continent, leading to a futile struggle against a "imperialism" faceless.
They masquerade of enemies of themselves
They are subservient to this operation, and so seek to perpetuate the system of the anti-Christ, using and abusing the weak colonized sepoys, the traitor leaderships of Latin American Republics
But once again the Immaculate Heart triumphed, triumphed and will triumph, because mercy is such policy, those traitors who are now sick, heal and cure fighting for the liberation of the country. And these days the elect are all well, from what we have seen the worst, but with a glorious opportunity: to be agents who go from being instruments of oppression, to be drivers of the liberation of their people. This is the case of Barack Obama, that inspired by a true love in his Fear of God, has decided to cut the British geopolitics.
He and Ana Cristina Chavez are a Trinity - the bridge to the unification of the continent. It is the struggle inside himself personally Chavez is separating from the English, so he is alive, confirmed by the Virgin Mary at the last visit of Ana Cristina, who heads this Trinity representing the Government of the Virgin Mary. This if really she takes on more being spiritual leader, not only of Argentina, but the entire Queen of the South.
There is no other choice: nip with British geopolitics!, because they press her not to meet with Pedro Second, the driver you need, also to continue using black colored clothing and hypocritically speaking about the late Nestor Kirchner, etc. , etc.
So squeezes English Premier David Cameron to be left Malvinas fucking with a symbolic strategic point that has been put in evidence as the eggs pass through the world courts and international rights they have invented.
English Non-policy towards the Malvinas issue is as basic as absurd and untenable, even in this postmodern circus of lies; why not dare to talk to Ana Cristina.
Gentlemen, the bolt you imposed on us is ending now! You thought you could mute us with your direct order and with all gigantic apparatus of anti-media not to publish anything We say, the conspiracy of silence in the great work of the Lord. You'll be swept away by the splendor of truth without fearing that expose their stupid threats.
Therefore, the weak and cowardly who submit to its dictates and "advice" we say, man who don't jump is an Englishman! Only your complicit silence complaint for what you are.
Heart of St.  Mary will triumph in Ana Cristina and enemies know that and are afraid because It will also triumph in them, poor wretches¡ fear the Love of God!
It is clear that the English abandoned Cristina Fernandez, and have chosen to operate through the CIA and its agents in Argentina for Daniel Scioli, its candidate for president of the republic in 2015 or before.
“He is measuring well" for sepoy and for to perpetuate the false democracy.
Tens of servile colonized or aspiring members of dirigencial monoclase and ran to the side of the current governor of Buenos Aires, Cristina Fernández betraying.
But again the Father up early! The English believe that Daniel Scioli is his agent and in truth, is a elected fo The Father!, And he will turn inexorably . Again pastes Mary herself in his disciples, in this case Daniel, yes, depends on his decision to become and assume.
All pro-British plan is doomed to failure, and indeed already drained of ideas, a symptom of the defeat of Satan, the little "prince" instigator. They only has the rags of this perverse plot.. All they can do is keep attacking and dividing, but not building something new.  Forget it!
The global geopolitical situation is very clear. America, the Queen of the South from the Santa and New Argentina, is the one who leads with her brothers.
As always, this is what most angers the enemy because the center of the battle is its claim to dispute every second conduction to Gabriel Pedro Segundo.
South America is the one who makes the decisions, who has the handle today!, Like it or not like it.
This is more fire in the hearts, more fire to hypothermia of the fake anti-Christ, that as to warm will be arousing soul and spreading to a Complete Government of National Unity.

Andrea Martin Andres Efraiel in Keyla - Minister King papal spokesman of Joaquin

martes, 22 de enero de 2013


Mar del Plata-Centro Político del Papado-La Santa y Nueva Argentina, 21 de enero de 2013

Mi hermano, el Apóstol Simón ha escrito recientemente, La Matrix te tiene, parafraseando a la conocida saga de películas, mostrando así una parábola que nos habla del mundo que nos han puesto sobre los ojos para cegarnos de la verdad en todos los campos de la vida: que somos reyes haciendo de esclavos. ¡Es el sistema del Anti-Cristo! Ver http://simonsamarieljesus.blogspot.com/2013/01/que-decidis.html?spref=tw
Un sistema global que maquilla a una feroz tiranía con derechos individuales, elecciones libres, libertad de expresión, etc., etc., pero sólo es el poder desnudo, separado de toda autoridad.
Es la tiranía de la capacidad humana de obligar sin límites, y sus consecuencias que expulsan de la dignidad y de la vida a miles de millones de personas. Le llaman “democracia”.
Vivimos una época caracterizada por una violencia sórdida contra el Ser, extendida y gratuita; es la era de la inmoralidad, en la que los criminales se han vuelto respetables y los respetables, en criminales.
Es en verdad un caos impulsado y apoyado en el individualismo salvaje, materialista y neopagano que destruye personas, familias y Comunidades. Es una tempestad diabólica, consecuencia del pecado personal y social y de la debilidad y fragilidad del hombre que persiste, en una voluntad autodestructiva.
Los dirigentes de tal felonía operan bajo una apariencia civilizada; y son el anti-Cristo porque obran de un modo irracional y violento, y sin embargo, su aspecto y forma es lo contrario de su naturaleza pervertida.
Han impuesto un monólogo para tranquilizar a los escasos beneficiarios de este régimen, y para desmoralizar a sus adversarios en potencia aislando a sus enemigos implacables. Este discurso único se propone el aislamiento de los críticos y la desaparición o control de las formas tradicionales de protesta y resistencia.
Se trata del: “pensamiento social y políticamente correcto”: la alabanza de la forma civilizada del sistema del anti-Cristo y la negación de su contenido de inequidad, injusticia y crueldad sin sentido.
Pero entre los supuestos políticos, la monoclase o clase única dirigencial y el resto social de los pueblos, se ha creado una ruptura, que para este régimen, es insalvable. Es este mundo el que ha fracasado, y no el hombre, como los nihilismos postula, atribuyéndole la razón a Satanás.
Mientras la gran mayoría padece la contracultura de la muerte o la civilización de la muerte, unos pocos ricos que se creen poderosos, ciegos, ni siquiera se dan cuenta que caminan hacia el suicidio y el exterminio.
Aquellos que nos rebelamos y nos apartamos de esta ignominia somos repudiados por nuestra actitud, objeto de persecución. Por eso, por ejemplo, todos los anti medios de comunicación, de un color u otro, Nos aplican un cerrojo de silencio respondiendo a La Matrix o matriz… la “directiva” británica. Más allá de esas inútiles maniobras, publicamos recientemente un irrebatible documento: LA CUESTIÓN SOCIOPOLÍTICA EN EL UMBRAL DEL TERCER MILENIO, porque no nos callamos. El que quiera entender que entienda _incluso los probritánicos_ vean en http://pedrosegundoelultimopapa.blogspot.com/2013/01/la-cuestion-sociopolitica-en-el-umbral.html
Ante este panorama, auténticamente el hombre-los pueblos se preguntan… ¿tienen solución los problemas, tremendas secuelas de este estado de cosas?, ¿quién-quiénes tienen y cuáles son esas soluciones?
Los egos inflamados, el individualismo, la irresponsabilidad, el desamor y el odio, ¿son acaso condiciones insuperables, imposibles de revertir? ¡No!, si se acepta que todo es muerte… y ¡Resurrección!
Este anuncio irrita profunda e irracionalmente a los zombis que habitan en este mundo… y a los “dueños beneficiarios” de este régimen de oprobio, claro; o sea las dos bestias.
Crispamos o desestabilizamos a los cómodos sumidos en el sueño material, enchufados en la Matrix cuando les, ¡anunciamos que la solución a todos los problemas está cerca y a la mano de todos!
Pero el camino de la salvación es cada vez más estrecho, ¡la única solución ante nuestras grandes heridas, ante esta humanidad muy dividida interiormente, es inundar el planeta de Amor-Perdón!
Por eso llega el Poder del Amor dador de Perdón de todas y todos, porque nadie, casi nadie sabe lo que hace. ¡Perdónalos Padre porque no saben lo que hacen!
Anunciamos que Él viene pronto con su Nuevo Nombre: ¡Joaquín! Esta es la oportunidad como escalón hacia una meta dirigida a no renegar de nada ni de nadie, aceptando que todos los hombres y los pueblos somos iguales a todos en nuestras miserias-necesidades, principio de nuestros derechos inalienables.
Hay una herida abierta en los argentinos que todavía no cierra y va cicatrizando lentamente, en la medida que aceptamos el Perdón.
Para esto hay que querer, desear perdonar, primero a uno mismo, y así luego a los demás. Como Ana Cristina, la Jefa espiritual de la Nación, vamos aprendiendo que sólo el Amor construye.
Es hora de darnos cuenta, de ser cada vez más conscientes, que el Poder del Amor es el arma más eficaz que existe sobre la tierra; ¡pero esto hay que vivirlo, practicarlo!
Para eso profundicemos: ¿qué es el Amor-Perdón?, ¿qué es la Misericordia? ¿Son lo mismo?
Solemos creer y pensar que es la voluntad humana confundiéndola con el querer, la que puede perdonar. Pero no es la simple voluntad la que puede amar-perdonar, no puede sobrepasar el disponerse a perdonar; esa voluntad individual no alcanza.
Es inconcebible para la voluntad humana la Misericordia; es incomprensible para la mente humana la potencia de Su Amor-Perdón, la asquerosa Misericordia de Dios que verdaderamente AMA lo más despreciable de todos nosotros.
La Iglesia de Jesús fue, es y será siempre la Iglesia del Perdón para la reconciliación del hombre con Su Creador y con sus hermanos, hasta el gran y terrible Día del Señor, el día de la Justicia Divina.
Sin embargo, es a Sor Faustina Kowalska nacida en Polonia el 25 de agosto de 1905, a quien se le revela en 1920 _año de nacimiento de quien será Juan Pablo II_ el verdadero contenido de la Divina Misericordia.[1]
Dice Jesús Misericordioso: “Que los más grandes pecadores pongan su confianza en Mi Misericordia. Ellos, más que nadie, tienen derecho a abandonarse a Mi Misericordia”. Esta es la devoción que quisieron borrar del planeta… ¡La que abre las puertas de la Misericordia a cualquiera en esta tierra!
Por eso durante casi cuarenta años esta devoción fue prohibida y perseguida por “la Católica”; y cuando debieron reconocer “el error” en 1959, la clerecía política impía, con sus sutilezas, deformó-distorsionó el sentido y meta de la misma, enseñando que Su Misericordia era efectiva para el alma solamente a la hora de muerte física.
Es la falsa misericordia consecuencia de una perversa especulación satánica para darle rienda suelta a la carne y sangre caída. De hecho, un permiso para pecar sin límites en este principado del Diablo, con quien pactaron una connivencia espuria; total Él ya pagó por todos los pecados, dicen los malditos.
Para Faustina, sus 33 años de existencia fueron un martirio, hasta 1938 cuando falleció. Vivió las atrocidades de la primera gran guerra, y el período hasta la hecatombe de la segunda. Había nacido a la sombra de la manifestación pública de la bestia de la tierra, cuando Satanás le pidió a Dios un siglo de tiempo para influenciar al mundo como nunca antes había podido hacerlo, y pidió más poder para sus servidores y aliados, según el testimonio del Papa León XIII. Por eso su misión era urgente; y está claro que, como en el Mensaje de Fátima en 1917, es la urgencia del Evangelio, "arrepiéntanse y crean" (Cfr. Marcos 1, 15).
Fue canonizada el 30 de abril del 2000 por el Juan Pablo II, quien confesó que había dedicado su trabajo y combate sacerdotal a reivindicar y restablecer la Devoción a Jesús Misericordioso.
El alma que vive Su Misericordia, experimenta el Amor Divino en la tierra, y le permite a la criatura palpitar y saborear los manjares e incontables tesoros celestiales del Reino del Padre, haciéndola partícipe en la administración de todo lo que hay aquí, en lo visual-material; y esta es una Nueva Política.
Promete a todo aquel que haga conocer Su Infinita Misericordia, la hora de la Santa Justicia no tendrá potestad sobre el alma que la propague. La posibilidad práctica de vivir esta Misericordia en la coexistencia terrenal de los hombres, Nos hace afirmar con todo énfasis… ¡Esta es la Divina Misericordia Política!
Es la impronta de la llegada del Mesías ahora. Práctica, sencilla y popular, ¡toda de ejecución!
El alma que se quiera confiar a Sus Rayos Infinitos de Misericordia, pida la intercesión de Su Amada Madre que nunca Lo abandonó en Su existencia terrena, durante Su Santa Pasión, porque es la Virgen María ahora quien ¡Gobierna el mundo! Igual que lo hace con Su Hijo, así lo hace con las criaturas-almas que van hacia Jesús, el Salvador. Ella en las mujeres-María, los ayudará a encontrar el camino y los tomará de la mano para conducirlos a la Fuente Inagotable de Misericordia.
Jesús de Nazaret nos dice: Soy sencillo y transparente como el agua cristalina, no necesito grandes consagraciones o rituales para llegar a las almas, sólo me basta el amor de mis hijos y por lo tanto, el Amor corresponde al amor. La invitación eterna de la Divina Misericordia es… con la pura intención de levantarse, entregarse al Señor y seguirlo, ¡Ahora! Es esta epopeya de Amor que estamos realizando con la fuerza del Inmaculado Corazón de María al frente.
¡Madre querida, háblanos de la Misericordia de Jesús, para que nos entreguemos de lleno, con toda el alma al Perdón de la Cruz. Dignifiquemos Su Cruz Madre Santa, Su Pasión, Su Amor-Dolor!
Pedro Gabriel Jesús en el Corazón de María Liliana con Joaquín
Contacto: surolon@yahoo.com.arreinalilianamaria@yahoo.com.ar  0336 15 4201782/3 – María Liliana Reyes y Pedro Segundo Rolón
BLOG: pedrosegundoelultimopapa.blogspot.com
TWITTER: @papapedrojesus
FACEBOOK: Segundo Ubaldo Rolón

[1] "Prepararás al mundo para Mí última venida." Ver Diario de Sor Faustina Kowalska