jueves, 31 de enero de 2013


City of Glory, Mendoza – The Saint and New Argentina – January 30 th 2013

People denominated as  "included" in the system of false democracies in the world, which we compared with the known Matrix movie in which a visual deception makes it appear that we are free and we chose, when in fact that freedom is false, is an illusion and really it is slavery without visible chains for  humanity. We have been colonized by force, the "right" of the beasts "dominant", not only by arms but also by language and culture, especially in the last centuries in world history.
This Matrix or "lie matrix" is organized as the system of the anti-Christ and has spiritually penetrated, that is culturally and psychologically, to all societies in order to exercise dominion with the intention to deform man into a kind of fragil and insecure, a man who despises itself and seeks to be pleasent, staying subservient.
An individual that feels fearful and idolatrous in front of "forces and powers" that surround it, fearing other men and  looking to be isolated and interact as little as possible with others.
The colonized cultural man is a poor man who needs of finding oneself, God in him. Because in their thirst-need to love and be loved resorted to what others say about him as a possible source of Being
So he denies what he IS, a dignity whom the Creator breathed when giving  life to him. He curses his first truth, imprisoned or subjected to the whim of the winds of the world. After, he grows or "he mounts himself" in a chain without senses starting from this first negation.
So is steeped in bad habits or unclean spirits, and if he does not look for the side of Grace, is likely to be a perpetual colonized; increasingly enslaved, an useful idiot that anyone can handle
Then he adopts "the ways of this master" at the same time he admires him in the strength attributed, with resentment or hatred, when the imposition is less subtle or ruthless, as in the subjugation of peoples. Or on a personal level when he accepts that one or another tell him what to do and how he must  live.
This is the ABC of the master-slave relation!
Why this occurs in men and women? Why this enters their interior domain?
This is because of male renunciation to guide women. Being alone, he believes that he can take care of creation and thus separated from God, from himself, because man and woman are one unit, one spirit in two bodies. The Immaculate Heart of Mary in the woman, is male virility, the "balls" of the man, who gives him the strength to fight for freedom and makes him a king compared to everything around it.
Because of this claim to power alone, the man breaks the unit and is weak against any oppressor because he loses the resistance of his being. Separated from woman he loses his strength. Loses his being king of creation, conductor and sovereign of himself, becoming a slave.
In turn, she is alone, without the leading man, thus being exposed to the counter-culture or culture of death. Believing she can alone, without guide of the man, giving birth and forming new "light or gentle men", unable to fight for nothing more than their appetites.
This was the operation of the devil from the beginning, to separate the man from the woman, separating both themselves from God and turn them into slaves.
This separation of man and woman is an inside separation. Don´t believe the explication is for singles and divorced! Has nothing to do with an external form but is the rupture of being King of Creation, to make slaves.
Man  becomes  in "middle man, non-conductive, vulnerable by not-decide and so, he is sinning of omission. Instead, the feminine genius is the Virgin Mary who lives in every woman, holding life because even in this state of fragility, They have held and hold this humanity!
But to all of us  suffering from colonized diseases,  we say there a cure! There is healing! When still I am a fragile man, full of my own misery and thanks to them, I accept them and I love them, only by the mercy of God, I can become a deliverer of my brothers and peoples.
The cuestion is to die to these bad habits to make way for the cultivation of good manners, the true culture of life. This cult of life, good manners, whether is Yes or Yes to Death and Resurrection! And God has given us this New Politics popular, simple, practicable, all made of execution. With which, welcoming the Love-pain in the delivery of bad habits, we die and rise freeing to liberate our brothers from oppression. This is for everyone! We invite you to experience it now!
In this consciousness of colonized, what is supposed and accepted as rational and enlightened, it is also supposed to be a British conception.
Is "you without her," the woman rejection, made allegedly political system and so it is the anti-Christ system. By contrast, our Latin American culture on faith and struggle, supported by Mary and Her cult, which was present from Guadalupe in Mexico to Maria del Rosario St. Nicholas and Our Lady of Justice, Truth and Love, in thousands of demonstrations for all towns and cities, guiding the men to forge Policy Communities, the Unity of people doing the continent of Hope.
Let's see how all this plays in the political-social-economics topics where political activists, leaders think they have to be lining of British Europeans to "arrive to".
I do not want us to be as they are now, the countries of the "first world". With tender mercy we can see that they are really very bad, deep in the well of his sterility. The truth is that actually they are the most slaves by cause of their exercise of the oppression, by rejecting the woman, Mary.
They are slaves themselves, auto separated them from God, and often their resentment at this, has led them to subdue, preying the others whom they want to impose, steal or discard. The anti-communication media are striving to disguise this reality of the European Union. They are showing only some facts, and because they have no choice.

The colonized middle classes, from which most of leaders proceed, are “kapos” for their people in this concentration camp that this false democracy represents. But there are also those with a firm decision on his soul and are giving a tremendous spiritual battle. If they take the weapons we are offering them, they can be liberation leaders for their people. When hatred gives way to forgiveness in Love, if you leave the domination-slavery can convert the colonizer who is stuck, attached to the same situation.
Because there is a vacuum in the human heart that no one can fill that void can only be filled with the Heart of God the Father, is God in ourselves! We are God!
Although British geopolitics, believing to be powerful, thinking they have put the leaders, although leaders themselves create, The Conductor is God who has chosen the place and mission to develop. As has happened in recent centuries, you have to know that everything happens according to His plans, combined with your own freedom, always on the way back to his house. Thus, disqualified drivers and still colonized like now, Father from eternity God has chosen to do His Will. Therefore, the decision is the soul of each one, and  not the NON decision of the NON polític, which provides the ability to serve the freedom of all peoples of the world by the hand of the Queen Mother Mary, Mother of all, also their rebellious children!
You Brits can turn around and surrender to Your Loving Mother. You can also become the Love. We wait with our Policy Unit at the feet of Christ the King and Queen Mother Mary!

Simon Juan Zoia with Isabel Maru-Association The Mother.
From Saint and New Argentina with all America

domingo, 27 de enero de 2013


Neuquén, capital of Hope- Saint and New Argentina, January 26, 2013
Joaquin comes now! And His birth is this outpouring of the Holy Spirit as it has never happened. An outpouring deeper and necessary against the largest spiritual, material, social and political crisis that no one generation has ever known in the history of creation.
It is through the presence of Maria Liliana, Her new mother, with Peter Second Pope of Jesus, saints, sinners emperors. Pedro, the new conductor of the Argentine people and his cabinet, the young apostles-prophets, the service companions and mission in the establishment of the Kingdom of Jesus and Mary´s government worldwide.
We only have Joaquin! He is the only shield against this evil storm.
The signs of the times, the Abomination of desolation that brought humanity to Universal Apostasy in the last millennium, in the continuous deployment of British geopolitics!
So His arrival gives meaning, direction and goal to the entire global geopolitical situation, the collapse of the anti-Christ, the non- political.
The false democracy, in tandem with the exhibition of the Truth about London-England  hosting the world oligarchy, real Satan´s cadets who believe themselves masters of this globalization with the spurious plundering of the peoples of the world.
It's Love and Forgiveness as a flood across the globe that puts them under  light, to desist in this fight against God's people, so that they go out of hiding in the apparatus of modern states because ... listen up! Nobody but you and your lackeys agents, traitors to yours peoples, deserve Policy Divine Mercy! Therefore God, the true Father Merciful, provides a key Salvation and Redemption in the implementation of its Sacred Empire. It is the conversion of his defeated chief, the Devil himself, Archangel lost, because he is the prodigal son of God first, the favorite, because for him, especially Jesus, the King of Kings, has  given his life on the Cross.
Satan knows that Saint and New Argentina is the Crown of the Queen of the South, the basis of consolidation as the only American Continent of Hope, from which emerge the spiritual and material gifts to lead all people to the House of father.
And against this lash today seeking to perpetuate its model at the first summit-EU CELAC, which takes place in Chile, coincidentally the more traidor and oligarchy headquarters  in Latin America.
Summoning  entrepreneurs and leaders from over 60 countries to cynically suggest that the output of the crisis, they say, to a greater or lesser extent affect the two regions, poses a clear role for the private business sector as an actor guarantor of efficient and inclusive growth. But please! Do you think we are fools? Now it results that this burned European disunity is "the example"?, And obviously, the rescuers are the same holdings of business men  that caused all the misery and injustice. Jaa, free stone for blondes and commoners, the World Sinárquical !
For indeed, the European Union is an invention of them British. They manage it from their eternal sidings, Germany and France. For this if this European Union disappears, it does not matter to Cameron & Co..
Were commissioned to accommodate finely strategy to separate themselves from Europe at any time, especially of their bitter and boring friend, Angela Merkel and her friends.
Their current move is to impose the pro-British organizations in this global system of regional blocs or "democratic style" to continue colonizing peoples all around the world, and especially here in America. In addition, the CELAC, which is more of the same, was concocted by them and launched through the brothers Castro and Hugo Chavez, British agents, so the Cubans remain as presidents pro tem. Only British and his soldiers can locate there.
They want to keep dipping Latin America in the eternal contradiction capitalism-socialism or communism extinct, handling "national and popular movements" with its agents across the continent, leading to a futile struggle against a "imperialism" faceless.
They masquerade of enemies of themselves
They are subservient to this operation, and so seek to perpetuate the system of the anti-Christ, using and abusing the weak colonized sepoys, the traitor leaderships of Latin American Republics
But once again the Immaculate Heart triumphed, triumphed and will triumph, because mercy is such policy, those traitors who are now sick, heal and cure fighting for the liberation of the country. And these days the elect are all well, from what we have seen the worst, but with a glorious opportunity: to be agents who go from being instruments of oppression, to be drivers of the liberation of their people. This is the case of Barack Obama, that inspired by a true love in his Fear of God, has decided to cut the British geopolitics.
He and Ana Cristina Chavez are a Trinity - the bridge to the unification of the continent. It is the struggle inside himself personally Chavez is separating from the English, so he is alive, confirmed by the Virgin Mary at the last visit of Ana Cristina, who heads this Trinity representing the Government of the Virgin Mary. This if really she takes on more being spiritual leader, not only of Argentina, but the entire Queen of the South.
There is no other choice: nip with British geopolitics!, because they press her not to meet with Pedro Second, the driver you need, also to continue using black colored clothing and hypocritically speaking about the late Nestor Kirchner, etc. , etc.
So squeezes English Premier David Cameron to be left Malvinas fucking with a symbolic strategic point that has been put in evidence as the eggs pass through the world courts and international rights they have invented.
English Non-policy towards the Malvinas issue is as basic as absurd and untenable, even in this postmodern circus of lies; why not dare to talk to Ana Cristina.
Gentlemen, the bolt you imposed on us is ending now! You thought you could mute us with your direct order and with all gigantic apparatus of anti-media not to publish anything We say, the conspiracy of silence in the great work of the Lord. You'll be swept away by the splendor of truth without fearing that expose their stupid threats.
Therefore, the weak and cowardly who submit to its dictates and "advice" we say, man who don't jump is an Englishman! Only your complicit silence complaint for what you are.
Heart of St.  Mary will triumph in Ana Cristina and enemies know that and are afraid because It will also triumph in them, poor wretches¡ fear the Love of God!
It is clear that the English abandoned Cristina Fernandez, and have chosen to operate through the CIA and its agents in Argentina for Daniel Scioli, its candidate for president of the republic in 2015 or before.
“He is measuring well" for sepoy and for to perpetuate the false democracy.
Tens of servile colonized or aspiring members of dirigencial monoclase and ran to the side of the current governor of Buenos Aires, Cristina Fernández betraying.
But again the Father up early! The English believe that Daniel Scioli is his agent and in truth, is a elected fo The Father!, And he will turn inexorably . Again pastes Mary herself in his disciples, in this case Daniel, yes, depends on his decision to become and assume.
All pro-British plan is doomed to failure, and indeed already drained of ideas, a symptom of the defeat of Satan, the little "prince" instigator. They only has the rags of this perverse plot.. All they can do is keep attacking and dividing, but not building something new.  Forget it!
The global geopolitical situation is very clear. America, the Queen of the South from the Santa and New Argentina, is the one who leads with her brothers.
As always, this is what most angers the enemy because the center of the battle is its claim to dispute every second conduction to Gabriel Pedro Segundo.
South America is the one who makes the decisions, who has the handle today!, Like it or not like it.
This is more fire in the hearts, more fire to hypothermia of the fake anti-Christ, that as to warm will be arousing soul and spreading to a Complete Government of National Unity.

Andrea Martin Andres Efraiel in Keyla - Minister King papal spokesman of Joaquin

martes, 22 de enero de 2013


Mar del Plata-Centro Político del Papado-La Santa y Nueva Argentina, 21 de enero de 2013

Mi hermano, el Apóstol Simón ha escrito recientemente, La Matrix te tiene, parafraseando a la conocida saga de películas, mostrando así una parábola que nos habla del mundo que nos han puesto sobre los ojos para cegarnos de la verdad en todos los campos de la vida: que somos reyes haciendo de esclavos. ¡Es el sistema del Anti-Cristo! Ver http://simonsamarieljesus.blogspot.com/2013/01/que-decidis.html?spref=tw
Un sistema global que maquilla a una feroz tiranía con derechos individuales, elecciones libres, libertad de expresión, etc., etc., pero sólo es el poder desnudo, separado de toda autoridad.
Es la tiranía de la capacidad humana de obligar sin límites, y sus consecuencias que expulsan de la dignidad y de la vida a miles de millones de personas. Le llaman “democracia”.
Vivimos una época caracterizada por una violencia sórdida contra el Ser, extendida y gratuita; es la era de la inmoralidad, en la que los criminales se han vuelto respetables y los respetables, en criminales.
Es en verdad un caos impulsado y apoyado en el individualismo salvaje, materialista y neopagano que destruye personas, familias y Comunidades. Es una tempestad diabólica, consecuencia del pecado personal y social y de la debilidad y fragilidad del hombre que persiste, en una voluntad autodestructiva.
Los dirigentes de tal felonía operan bajo una apariencia civilizada; y son el anti-Cristo porque obran de un modo irracional y violento, y sin embargo, su aspecto y forma es lo contrario de su naturaleza pervertida.
Han impuesto un monólogo para tranquilizar a los escasos beneficiarios de este régimen, y para desmoralizar a sus adversarios en potencia aislando a sus enemigos implacables. Este discurso único se propone el aislamiento de los críticos y la desaparición o control de las formas tradicionales de protesta y resistencia.
Se trata del: “pensamiento social y políticamente correcto”: la alabanza de la forma civilizada del sistema del anti-Cristo y la negación de su contenido de inequidad, injusticia y crueldad sin sentido.
Pero entre los supuestos políticos, la monoclase o clase única dirigencial y el resto social de los pueblos, se ha creado una ruptura, que para este régimen, es insalvable. Es este mundo el que ha fracasado, y no el hombre, como los nihilismos postula, atribuyéndole la razón a Satanás.
Mientras la gran mayoría padece la contracultura de la muerte o la civilización de la muerte, unos pocos ricos que se creen poderosos, ciegos, ni siquiera se dan cuenta que caminan hacia el suicidio y el exterminio.
Aquellos que nos rebelamos y nos apartamos de esta ignominia somos repudiados por nuestra actitud, objeto de persecución. Por eso, por ejemplo, todos los anti medios de comunicación, de un color u otro, Nos aplican un cerrojo de silencio respondiendo a La Matrix o matriz… la “directiva” británica. Más allá de esas inútiles maniobras, publicamos recientemente un irrebatible documento: LA CUESTIÓN SOCIOPOLÍTICA EN EL UMBRAL DEL TERCER MILENIO, porque no nos callamos. El que quiera entender que entienda _incluso los probritánicos_ vean en http://pedrosegundoelultimopapa.blogspot.com/2013/01/la-cuestion-sociopolitica-en-el-umbral.html
Ante este panorama, auténticamente el hombre-los pueblos se preguntan… ¿tienen solución los problemas, tremendas secuelas de este estado de cosas?, ¿quién-quiénes tienen y cuáles son esas soluciones?
Los egos inflamados, el individualismo, la irresponsabilidad, el desamor y el odio, ¿son acaso condiciones insuperables, imposibles de revertir? ¡No!, si se acepta que todo es muerte… y ¡Resurrección!
Este anuncio irrita profunda e irracionalmente a los zombis que habitan en este mundo… y a los “dueños beneficiarios” de este régimen de oprobio, claro; o sea las dos bestias.
Crispamos o desestabilizamos a los cómodos sumidos en el sueño material, enchufados en la Matrix cuando les, ¡anunciamos que la solución a todos los problemas está cerca y a la mano de todos!
Pero el camino de la salvación es cada vez más estrecho, ¡la única solución ante nuestras grandes heridas, ante esta humanidad muy dividida interiormente, es inundar el planeta de Amor-Perdón!
Por eso llega el Poder del Amor dador de Perdón de todas y todos, porque nadie, casi nadie sabe lo que hace. ¡Perdónalos Padre porque no saben lo que hacen!
Anunciamos que Él viene pronto con su Nuevo Nombre: ¡Joaquín! Esta es la oportunidad como escalón hacia una meta dirigida a no renegar de nada ni de nadie, aceptando que todos los hombres y los pueblos somos iguales a todos en nuestras miserias-necesidades, principio de nuestros derechos inalienables.
Hay una herida abierta en los argentinos que todavía no cierra y va cicatrizando lentamente, en la medida que aceptamos el Perdón.
Para esto hay que querer, desear perdonar, primero a uno mismo, y así luego a los demás. Como Ana Cristina, la Jefa espiritual de la Nación, vamos aprendiendo que sólo el Amor construye.
Es hora de darnos cuenta, de ser cada vez más conscientes, que el Poder del Amor es el arma más eficaz que existe sobre la tierra; ¡pero esto hay que vivirlo, practicarlo!
Para eso profundicemos: ¿qué es el Amor-Perdón?, ¿qué es la Misericordia? ¿Son lo mismo?
Solemos creer y pensar que es la voluntad humana confundiéndola con el querer, la que puede perdonar. Pero no es la simple voluntad la que puede amar-perdonar, no puede sobrepasar el disponerse a perdonar; esa voluntad individual no alcanza.
Es inconcebible para la voluntad humana la Misericordia; es incomprensible para la mente humana la potencia de Su Amor-Perdón, la asquerosa Misericordia de Dios que verdaderamente AMA lo más despreciable de todos nosotros.
La Iglesia de Jesús fue, es y será siempre la Iglesia del Perdón para la reconciliación del hombre con Su Creador y con sus hermanos, hasta el gran y terrible Día del Señor, el día de la Justicia Divina.
Sin embargo, es a Sor Faustina Kowalska nacida en Polonia el 25 de agosto de 1905, a quien se le revela en 1920 _año de nacimiento de quien será Juan Pablo II_ el verdadero contenido de la Divina Misericordia.[1]
Dice Jesús Misericordioso: “Que los más grandes pecadores pongan su confianza en Mi Misericordia. Ellos, más que nadie, tienen derecho a abandonarse a Mi Misericordia”. Esta es la devoción que quisieron borrar del planeta… ¡La que abre las puertas de la Misericordia a cualquiera en esta tierra!
Por eso durante casi cuarenta años esta devoción fue prohibida y perseguida por “la Católica”; y cuando debieron reconocer “el error” en 1959, la clerecía política impía, con sus sutilezas, deformó-distorsionó el sentido y meta de la misma, enseñando que Su Misericordia era efectiva para el alma solamente a la hora de muerte física.
Es la falsa misericordia consecuencia de una perversa especulación satánica para darle rienda suelta a la carne y sangre caída. De hecho, un permiso para pecar sin límites en este principado del Diablo, con quien pactaron una connivencia espuria; total Él ya pagó por todos los pecados, dicen los malditos.
Para Faustina, sus 33 años de existencia fueron un martirio, hasta 1938 cuando falleció. Vivió las atrocidades de la primera gran guerra, y el período hasta la hecatombe de la segunda. Había nacido a la sombra de la manifestación pública de la bestia de la tierra, cuando Satanás le pidió a Dios un siglo de tiempo para influenciar al mundo como nunca antes había podido hacerlo, y pidió más poder para sus servidores y aliados, según el testimonio del Papa León XIII. Por eso su misión era urgente; y está claro que, como en el Mensaje de Fátima en 1917, es la urgencia del Evangelio, "arrepiéntanse y crean" (Cfr. Marcos 1, 15).
Fue canonizada el 30 de abril del 2000 por el Juan Pablo II, quien confesó que había dedicado su trabajo y combate sacerdotal a reivindicar y restablecer la Devoción a Jesús Misericordioso.
El alma que vive Su Misericordia, experimenta el Amor Divino en la tierra, y le permite a la criatura palpitar y saborear los manjares e incontables tesoros celestiales del Reino del Padre, haciéndola partícipe en la administración de todo lo que hay aquí, en lo visual-material; y esta es una Nueva Política.
Promete a todo aquel que haga conocer Su Infinita Misericordia, la hora de la Santa Justicia no tendrá potestad sobre el alma que la propague. La posibilidad práctica de vivir esta Misericordia en la coexistencia terrenal de los hombres, Nos hace afirmar con todo énfasis… ¡Esta es la Divina Misericordia Política!
Es la impronta de la llegada del Mesías ahora. Práctica, sencilla y popular, ¡toda de ejecución!
El alma que se quiera confiar a Sus Rayos Infinitos de Misericordia, pida la intercesión de Su Amada Madre que nunca Lo abandonó en Su existencia terrena, durante Su Santa Pasión, porque es la Virgen María ahora quien ¡Gobierna el mundo! Igual que lo hace con Su Hijo, así lo hace con las criaturas-almas que van hacia Jesús, el Salvador. Ella en las mujeres-María, los ayudará a encontrar el camino y los tomará de la mano para conducirlos a la Fuente Inagotable de Misericordia.
Jesús de Nazaret nos dice: Soy sencillo y transparente como el agua cristalina, no necesito grandes consagraciones o rituales para llegar a las almas, sólo me basta el amor de mis hijos y por lo tanto, el Amor corresponde al amor. La invitación eterna de la Divina Misericordia es… con la pura intención de levantarse, entregarse al Señor y seguirlo, ¡Ahora! Es esta epopeya de Amor que estamos realizando con la fuerza del Inmaculado Corazón de María al frente.
¡Madre querida, háblanos de la Misericordia de Jesús, para que nos entreguemos de lleno, con toda el alma al Perdón de la Cruz. Dignifiquemos Su Cruz Madre Santa, Su Pasión, Su Amor-Dolor!
Pedro Gabriel Jesús en el Corazón de María Liliana con Joaquín
Contacto: surolon@yahoo.com.arreinalilianamaria@yahoo.com.ar  0336 15 4201782/3 – María Liliana Reyes y Pedro Segundo Rolón
BLOG: pedrosegundoelultimopapa.blogspot.com
TWITTER: @papapedrojesus
FACEBOOK: Segundo Ubaldo Rolón

[1] "Prepararás al mundo para Mí última venida." Ver Diario de Sor Faustina Kowalska

martes, 15 de enero de 2013


St. Nicholas of Mary, Seat of Government Papal - The Saint and New Argentina - January 14, 2013

To Michelle Obama:

With this letter I want to raise your warrior spirit, feisty woman, because what we need is to unite the entire continent from the south and I am writing to tell you let of American unity a reality, because it is convenient for you in the same way it is convenient for us. And because do not want and we will not rely over British interests in decline who want from old times to divide and dominate us.
We do not want to be colonized, we want to be a power, together with all the America to achieve independence that will give us the freedom to find and reach in  this continent,  the goal for which it was intended, the continent of hope, a melting pot where God put His predilection; beacon to the world.
We do not want to be colonized, we want to be a power, together with all the America to achieve independence that will give us the freedom to find and reach in  this continent,  the goal for which it was intended, the continent of hope, a melting pot where God put His predilection; beacon to the world.
I know that in the place of wife and supporter of U.S. president you have the power to propel him to see the reality, the only truth, to persuade him to do what is really new and is the hopeful for Americans and for the Argentines; that is the union of the Americas, helping us to be worthy Americans.

I want you to understand me in your heart and do want the best for your country as I do, just like I want for mine.
We know of your work as vital help woman for Barak, which is why I turn to you for you to know and see what is convenient for you and for us...
There is no greater satisfaction than seeing our country grow in unity and greatness. That is what I'm inviting you, to the glory. Not only materialistic and worldly progress but means the triumph of our heart strength of American and warriors Mary women.

Martha Eva, Unique Women Movement
 Blog: marthaevamatatiel.blogspot.com

The Saint and New Argentina: OPEN LETTER TO BARAK OBAMA

The Saint and New Argentina: OPEN LETTER TO BARAK OBAMA: St. Nicholas of Mary-Seat of Government of the Saint and New Argentina, January 14, 2013 President of the United States of America M...


St. Nicholas of Mary-Seat of Government of the Saint and New Argentina, January 14, 2013

President of the United States of America
Mr. Barack Obama

My Dear Brother: 
In this historic moment of maximum tension in the world and in your own homeland, is the Pope Pedro Segundo Jesus Rolón who greets you my dear brother, from this blessed land: The Holy and New Argentina. I greet you the Celestial Commander of the Divine General in the current church of Sardis, to encourage and bless you, your wife and your family.
I am convinced that you, devoted to the Virgin Mary, will end to unify the Continent of Hope, closing borders to British policies.
You are plugging out the borders to the influence of the English crown and opening the doors to the St. Mary´s Christian America. Alleluia!
Beyond this breaks the petty schemes of minds that are being manipulated by English geopolitics, who crudely speaks of "Yankee imperialism", we know that your interest is to add to the U.S. to Latin-Continent of Hope, especially now when your management is buzzing problems.
Inevitably, all eyes fall on you and your wife since both of you, in your evident and profound unity; express the fate of all human couple: a source of love for world. Most of them are myopic eyes of unbelievers, ignorant and ungodly, which together are thousands of millions, but there are also a handful of brothers with incarnated faith who are supporting and will increasingly support you worldwide. All this because you have understood and especially, has decided! Join the American continent will bring solutions to your government, and has determined that inside the country, the support of the Latino vote was decisive in his last election victory. It was recently that light has been made to show an infighting in the U.S. State Department, where it ends to appear and begins to crumble" a "hidden domestic appliance of" British intelligence, the influence on the foreign policy of his country for a long time, especially during periods of Democratic Party governance. It has taken a step of no return and moved a fundamental piece in the British-Yankee contradiction.
Deleterious effect for your people who have suffered involved in coups, precisely in the rest of Central and South America and in useless wars and massacres. We also agree on your strategy, both in heaven and on earth, which like in Argentina, with the same goal, it is necessary to disarm and shake the Judiciary, guarantee of impunity and injustice in republican systems.
We celebrate with great joy of heart, when you follow the great work of St. Francis of Assisi in the Europe of the Middle Ages, considering disarm the civil people, but this will lead you to demilitarize all territories where U.S. army stays today, otherwise, would not be consistent.
This is a very profound change! A change from Saint Mary! A big change in unison of the arrival of the Messiah, Joaquin Jesus, His Promised Second Coming. We only have the Sign of Jonah as evidence of his arrival from above, and within it, you as the king of Nineveh, has accepted the conversion, and start playing hard with provisions shaking foundation of the British agents of USA.
Demons are exasperated and this is the commotion that Hillary Clinton suffered, his decomposition.
As you know, from western lands in your country they want to start a civil war. They want to revive the "far west" and to put the figurine of caudillos or sheriffs, the gunmen type like Clint Eastwood´s style. I pray that you keep the high look because if looks down, gets stuck in the swamp. Otherwise, it is a civil war in his country. There is an unresolved problem there for 250 years
If you love your people you will prevent civil war ... an uncontrollable slaughter until many die and stay there only those who will be able to make common unit between them, to an extent acceptable to join with Santa and New Argentina because the designs of Divine General shall be concreted in one way or another.
This is what you are running, loving more to your people, will result in the rupture with the English Non-policy, but for the sake of their people and themselves.
For the sake of your people, we want, wish and pray for unity in your country. 60 years ago we wrote that your people would be a factor of liberation of other peoples.
Specifically, the Superior Driving on earth had foreseen this circumstance, which now seems so strange to those unnoticed. All they have either understood or they are seeing is that the unit starts from North America to South America and from South America to North.
Yes! From Barack Obama to Ana Cristina Fernandez, and from Ana Cristina Fernandez to Barack Obama. One cannot without the other to make the decisions to be taken for saving the British and taking them away from the error.
Both presidents are the key decision points, but there are three bridges with the people, especially in our continent, a trinity of leadership. I mean the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez Frias who fell ill in his inner. He doubts about what to decide: either to betray his people or his historical mentors, the British ... however, today when they gave him up for dead, it has improved against all odds.
To them, our common enemy, the only thing that interests them is the American division since the 19th century. Do not alter you while thinking that Ana Cristina will join to them and you will stay alone in its move to secede from the island. Let us look cool events with a right way to appreciate properly, and execute accordingly. Ana Cristina met with British agents in Cuba that remains as an artificial supposed atheist and Marxist stronghold, which they have incubated and sustained to interfere in American unity.
As Generals in this war of love, it is wise to think that nothing is determined and in its freedom, every soul can decide if subjected to the English or not. You have a plan B, of course. If these souls decide not accompany key, activate elements of U.S. intelligence here in Argentina to clean or sweep Ana Cristina also politically. In that case, God Father would also decide definitely resting the body of Hugo Chavez.
But I must warn you, in the name which is above every name, with execution of the plan B,  partially or totally, the people, the peoples of Central and South America, and the Argentine people will pay with more blood, sweat and tears for cause  of  the blunders of drivers and  pastors. That is the danger.
St. Mary at Fatima has sentenced..."in the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph", and this was accomplished several times in this last times. And with great pleasure I inform you that on Friday 11 last, in Havana, Cuba, it happened again!
The spirit of the Queen Mother Mary through Ana Cristina arrived to this pro-British fort with a Bible, the medal of St. Benedict and an image of the Virgin of Luján, and healed Hugo ... for now.
These fools clearly had established there a social political fence, isolating Hugo and they pretend to handle events, and contacts is, that is, the politics. That fence collapsed.
Is Her Immaculate Heart who ruined them, freeing the souls of Hugo and Cristina thereof, to make their decisions with the lowest possible constraints.
Let us watch out for this factor in determining truth!
Ana Cristina is the bridge, if you choose, with Joaquin. You are the guarantee of her as a political force in the old wineskin that irretrievably is destroyed by such outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
No more ... for now, I say goodbye and I embrace you as server of servers of King Jesus Christ in all brothers
Second Peter in Marie Lillian with Joaquín